About Me

Adelaide, Australia
Hi there, my name is Sally and i am a registered primary school art teacher who has recently retired. My last position was as art teacher at Burnside Primary School in 2011. I have begun teaching art after school at home in Fullarton. I currently run classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school. I now have 7 students and numbers are steadily increasing. My aim is to inspire children to use their imagination and to utilize their inner creativity. Lessons using a variety of different materials and art styles are offered.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Puppet Making Workshop

In the coming October holidays I will be offering a full day puppet workshop.

9:00am to 3:30pm
Children to bring a packed lunch, muffins will be supplied for recess and fruit as an afternoon snack. Lunch will be held at Fraser Reserve so the children can get fresh air and exercise during the day. Arrangements can be made to drop children off early and pick up late if required.

Cost is $50 for the day.
Children must be 8 years or older to make the puppet.

Half day workshops are also available where younger children can be catered for.

Please phone Sally on 8379 7221 or 0410 462 451

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